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Should the government raise taxes on the rich?



Amazon and many other corporations paid $0 in taxes for several years and the wealthiest individuals in our country get rich from capital gains and borrowing against their wealth which amounts to limited, if any taxes for them. CEO pay has continued to rise exponentially while minimum wage and the average pay for a worker has stagnated. We decry social welfare and public assistance platforms but don't bat an eyelash when CEO pay explodes or companies use billions for stock buybacks. By not changing the tax structure, we, the average American, are just paying taxes to subsidize the social program on our dime while major business (looking at you Wal-Mart) rake in profits by paying their workers less and letting US foot the bill for it.

 @VettedVoteJoshLibertarian from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

Your points are certainly compelling and highlight some of the glaring issues in our economic structure. However, it's crucial to note that raising taxes on the rich may not necessarily be a definitive solution to wealth inequality. For example, in France, the implementation of a wealth tax led to an exodus of wealthy individuals leaving the country, which resulted in a loss of potential tax revenue and less capital for investment.

Moreover, it's important to remember that many wealthy individuals and corporations contribute significantly to the economy through innovation, job crea…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

However, it's crucial to note that raising taxes on the rich may not necessarily be a definitive solution to wealth inequality.

That's because we need to tackle the means that rich people make their money, such as private capital ownership, otherwise we will just be in an endless cycle of us taxing them and them inflating costs to make up their profits.

For example, in France, the implementation of a wealth tax led to an exodus of wealthy individuals leaving the country, which resulted in a loss of potential tax revenue and less capital for investment.

If we didn't…  Read more